
1.    概述

药品生产用的物料在其采购、接收、贮存、使用等各个环节均存在影响质量的 风险因素,诸多因素中,对物料供应商的评估、批准及动态管理有助于从源头上保 证物料质量,是制药企业物料管理中重要且基础的一环。 (Note: China GMP Guideline 2023)


2.    法规指南

2.1 国内药监

第二百五十六条 应当建立物料供应商评估和批准的操作规程,明确供应商的资质、选择的原则、质量评估方式、评估标准、物料供应商批准的程序。如质量评估需采用现场质量审计方式的,还应当明确审计内容、周期、审计人员的组成及资质。需采用样品小批量试生产的,还应当明确生产批量、生产工艺、产品质量标准、稳定性考察方案。 
第二百五十七条 质量管理部门应当指定专人负责物料供应商质量评估和现场质量审计,分发经批准的合格供应商名单。被指定的人员应当具有相关的法规和专业知识,具有足够的质量评估和现场质量审计的实践经验。
第二百五十八条 现场质量审计应当核实供应商资质证明文件和检验报告的真实性,核实是否具备检验条件。应当对其人员机构、厂房设施和设备、物料管理、生产工艺流程和生产管理、质量控制实验室的设备、仪器、文件管理等进行检查,以全面评估其质量保证系统。现场质量审计应当有报告。
第二百五十九条 必要时,应当对主要物料供应商提供的样品进行小批量试生产,并对试生产的药品进行稳定性考察。
第二百六十条 质量管理部门对物料供应商的评估至少应当包括:供应商的资质证明文件、质量标准、检验报告、企业对物料样品的检验数据和报告。如进行现场质量审计和样品小批量试生产的,还应当包括现场质量审计报告,以及小试产品的质量检验报告和稳定性考察报告。
第二百六十一条 改变物料供应商,应当对新的供应商进行质量评估;改变主要物料供应商的,还需要对产品进行相关的验证及稳定性考察。
第二百六十二条 质量管理部门应当向物料管理部门分发经批准的合格供应商名单,该名单内容至少包括物料名称、规格、质量标准、生产商名称和地址、经销商(如有)名称等, 并及时更新。 
第二百六十三条 质量管理部门应当与主要物料供应商签订质量协议,在协议中应当明确双方所承担的质量责任。 
第二百六十四条 质量管理部门应当定期对物料供应商进行评估或现场质量审计,回顾分析物料质量检验结果、质量投诉和不合格处理记录。如物料出现质量问题或生产条件、工 艺、质量标准和检验方法等可能影响质量的关键因素发生重大改变时,还应当尽快进行相关 的现场质量审计。
第二百六十五条 企业应当对每家物料供应商建立质量档案,档案内容应当包括供应商的资质证明文件、质量协议、质量标准、样品检验数据和报告、供应商的检验报告、现场质量审计报告、产品稳定性考察报告、定期的质量回顾分析报告等。

PIC/S PE 009-17 (Part I)
4.29 There should be written policies, procedures, protocols, reports and the associated records of actions taken or conclusions reached, where appropriate, for the following examples: - Validation and qualification of processes, equipment and systems; - Equipment assembly and calibration; - Technology transfer; - Maintenance, cleaning and sanitation; - Personnel matters including signature lists, training in GMP and technical matters, clothing and hygiene and verification of the effectiveness of training; - Environmental monitoring; - Pest control; - Complaints; - Recalls; - Returns; - Change control; - Investigations into deviations and non-conformances; - Internal quality/GMP compliance audits; - Summaries of records where appropriate (e.g. product quality review); - Supplier Audits

5.29 For the approval and maintenance of suppliers of active substances and excipients, the following is required: Active substances Supply chain traceability should be established and the associated risks, from active substance starting materials to the finished medicinal product, should be formally assessed and periodically verified. Appropriate measures should be put in place to reduce risks to the quality of the active substance. The supply chain and traceability records for each active substance (including active substance starting materials) should be available and be retained by the manufacturer of the medicinal product. Audits should be carried out at the manufacturers and distributors of active substances to confirm that they comply with the relevant good manufacturing practice and good distribution practice requirements. The holder of the manufacturing authorisation shall verify such compliance either by himself/herself or through an entity acting on his/her behalf under a contract. For veterinary medicinal products, audits should be conducted based on risk. Audits should be of an appropriate duration and scope to ensure that a full and clear assessment of GMP is made; consideration should be given to potential cross- contamination from other materials on site. The report should fully reflect what was done and seen on the audit with any deficiencies clearly identified. Any required corrective and preventive actions should be implemented. Further audits should be undertaken at intervals defined by the quality risk management process to ensure the maintenance of standards and continued use of the approved supply chain.

5.36 The rationale for the outsourcing of this testing should be justified and documented and the following requirements should be fulfilled: 
i. Special attention should be paid to the distribution controls (transport, wholesaling, storage and delivery) in order to maintain the quality characteristics of the starting materials and to ensure that test results remain applicable to the delivered material;
ii. The medicinal product manufacturer should perform audits, either itself or via third parties, at appropriate intervals based on risk at the site(s) carrying out the testing (including sampling) of the starting materials in order to assure compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice and with the specifications and testing methods described in the marketing authorisation dossier;
iii. The certificate of analysis provided by the starting material manufacturer/supplier should be signed by a designated person with appropriate qualifications and experience. The signature assures that each batch has been checked for compliance with the agreed product specification unless this assurance is provided separately;

EudraLex - Volume 4 - Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines
Active substances1Supply chain traceability should be established and the associated risks, from active substance starting materials to the finished medicinal product, should be formally assessed and periodically verified. Appropriate measures should be put in place to reduce risks to the quality of the active substance. The supply chain and traceability records for each active substance (including active substance starting materials) should be available and be retained by the EEA based manufacturer or importer of the medicinal product. Audits should be carried out at the manufacturers and distributors of active substances to confirm that they comply with the relevant good manufacturing practice and good distribution practice requirements. The holder of the manufacturing authorisation shall verify such compliance either by himself or through an entity acting on his behalf under a contract. For veterinary medicinal products, audits should be conducted based on risk. Audits should be of an appropriate duration and scope to ensure that a full and clear assessment of GMP is made; consideration should be given to potential cross- contamination from other materials on site. The report should fully reflect what was done and seen on the audit with any deficiencies clearly identified. Any required corrective and preventive actions should be implemented. Further audits should be undertaken at intervals defined by the quality risk management process to ensure the maintenance of standards and continued use of the approved supply chain.


WHO TRS 961, Annex 3 WHO good manufacturing practices for pharmaceutical products: main principles
Suppliers’ audits and approval 
8.8 The person responsible for QC should have responsibility, together with other relevant departments, for approving suppliers who can reliably supply starting and packaging materials that meet established specifications. 
8.9 Before suppliers are approved and included in the approved suppliers’ list or specifications, they should be evaluated. The evaluation should take into Annex 2 99 account a supplier’s history and the nature of the materials to be supplied. If an audit is required, it should determine the supplier’s ability to conform with GMP standards.

17.16 In lieu of full testing by the manufacturer, a certificate of analysis may be accepted from the supplier, provided that the manufacturer establishes the reliability of the supplier’s analysis through appropriate periodic validation of the supplier’s test results (see sections 8.8 and 8.9) and through on-site audits of the supplier’s capabilities. (This does not affect section 17.15.) Certificates must be originals (not photocopies) or otherwise have their authenticity assured. Certificates must contain at least the following information (7):
(a) identification (name and address) of the issuing supplier;
(b) signature of the competent official, and statement of his or her qualifications;
(c) the name of the material tested;
(d) the batch number of the material tested;
(e) the specifications and methods used; 
(f) the test results obtained;
(g) the date of testing

WHO TRS 996, Annex 3, 2016 WHO good manufacturing practices for biological products
Suppliers’ audits and approval 
8.8 The person responsible for quality control should have responsibility together with other relevant departments for approving suppliers who can reliably supply starting and packaging materials that meet established specifications. 8.9 Before suppliers are approved and included in the approved supplier’s list or specifications, they should be evaluated. The evaluation should take into account a supplier’s history and the nature of the materials to be supplied. If an audit is required, it should determine the supplier’s ability to conform with GMP standards.

Test requirements 
Starting and packaging materials 
17.15 An identity test should be conducted on a sample from each container of starting material (see also section 14.14). 
17.16 Each batch (lot) of printed packaging materials must be examined following receipt. 
17.17 In lieu of testing by the manufacturer, a certificate of analysis may be accepted from the supplier, provided that the manufacturer establishes the reliability of the supplier’s analysis through appropriate periodic validation of the supplier’s test results (see sections 8.8 and 8.9) and through on-site audits of the supplier’s capabilities. (This does not affect section 17.15). Certificates must be originals (not photocopies) or otherwise have their authenticity assured. Certificates must contain at least the following information (6):
(a) identification (name and address) of the issuing supplier; 
(b) signature of the competent official, and statement of his or her qualifications;
(c) the name of the material tested; 
(d) the batch number of the material tested; 
(e) the specifications and methods used;
(f) the test results obtained; 
(g) the date of testing.

Guidance Quality Systems Approach to Pharmaceutical Current Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations 2006
The CGMP regulations require either testing or use of a certificate of analysis (COA) plus an identity analysis (§ 211.84) for the release of materials for manufacturing. In the preamble to the CGMP regulations, these requirements were explicitly interpreted. The preamble states that reliability can be validated by conducting tests or examinations and comparing the results to the supplier’s COA. Sufficient initial tests should be done to establish reliability and to determine a schedule for periodic reassessment. As an essential element of purchasing controls, it is recommended that data trends for acceptance and rejection of materials be analyzed for information on supplier performance. The quality systems approach also calls for periodic auditing of suppliers based on risk assessment. During the audit, a manufacturer can observe the testing or examinations conducted by the supplier to help determine the reliability of the supplier’s COA. An audit should also include a systematic examination of the supplier’s quality system to ensure that reliability is maintained. It is recommended that a combination approach be used (i.e., verify the suppliers' COA through analysis and audits of the supplier). Under a quality systems approach, if full analytical testing is not done, the audit should cover the supplier’s analysis (i.e., a specific identity test is still required under § 211.84(d)(2)).




  (四)药品制剂生产企业必须对所使用的药用辅料质量严格把关。凡购入的药用辅料,都必须按照药品批准注册时核准的质量标准进行检验,确保符合药用要求。 对已颁布国家药品标准的药用辅料,必须符合国家药品标准的要求。

  (六)药用辅料生产企业必须对产品质量负责。应严格执行《药用辅料生产质量管理规范》,健全企业质量管理体系,加强对生产所用原材料的供应商审计,严格原材料质量控制,按照产品注册核准的处方工艺组织生产,规范产品批号的编制,保证产品质量稳定。 对未取得批准文号且历史沿用的药用辅料,应按照与药品制剂生产企业合同约定的质量协议组织生产。
  (七)药用辅料生产企业必须保证产品质量。 应按注册批准的或与药品制剂生产企业合同约定的质量标准,对每批产品进行全项检验,合格后方可入库、销售。对已颁布国家药品标准的药用辅料,必须符合国家药品标准的有关要求。产品放行前,所有生产文件和记录,包括检验数据均应经质量管理部门审查并符合要求,不符合要求不得放行出厂。

《国家食品药品监督管理局关于加强药品上市许可持有人委托生产监督管理工作的公告》 2023年第132号 20231017

二、 强化委托生产的质量管理






《国家食品药品监督管理局关于印发药品上市许可持有人委托生产现场检查指南的通知》药监综药管〔2023〕81号 20231017









GMP 指南 2023版

3.5 产品和物料


企业应该建立物料供应商现场质量审计的策略,基于风险对不同级别供应商现场审计的必要性予以区分。除主要物料必须按GMP 第二百五十五条规定开展现场质量审计外,其他物料,若非质量影响特别轻微(如发运外包材),应基于合理的评估方法开展评估,通过评估结果决定是否开展供应商现场质量审计。表3-36提供了一个针对某常规药用辅料供应商现场质量审计必要性的评估示例。

对物料供应商的现场质量审计不是一次性行为,尤其是那些对药品质量有重要 影响的主要物料,应该有预定的现场审计周期,或者基于前一次审计结果确定审计有效期,同时充分考虑供应商的供货历史记录,以确定启动周期性现场审计的具体时间,并指导审计计划的编制。


7.4 临床试验用药品生产质量管理


有生产能力的药品注册申请人或者受托生产单位应当制定临床试验用药品生产 所用原辅料及包装材料的质量控制系统,确保物料得到正确的使用,并具有良好的 可追溯性。物料管理的基本要素包括但不限于:

Ÿ  清晰的物料标识(物料基本信息标识,状态标识);

Ÿ  可靠的来源/去向追溯(发票、台账、使用记录);

Ÿ  满足物料储存要求的仓储条件;

Ÿ  满足药用物质(包括生物制品原液)稳定性要求的运输条件,使用经确认的运输系统,收货时审核运输监测温度数据;

Ÿ  物料质量控制及放行(质量标准及分析方法,放行流程);

Ÿ  物料供应商审计的评估和确认;

Ÿ  关键物料的变更控制。




Ÿ  审计员需具有一定的教育,培训和实践经验.

Ÿ  审计员通常需要完成必要的培训课程,并具有审计主题相关的工作和审计经验.

Ÿ  培训课程通常包括法规,所在公司审计相关的培训课程和审计技巧相关的课程(例如:审计准备,审计执行,报告书写,缺陷分类和审计追踪等);还包括规定次数的现场审计考核.

Ÿ  基于培训和现场考核的情况,对于审计员进行综合评估,对于符合要求的审计人员授予审计员资质.

Ÿ  对于已具备相关审计经验和资质的人员,可以通过评估豁免现场考核,但需要完成公司程序的相关培训.

Ÿ  审计人员应在规定周期内完成必要最低数量的审计,定期进行岗位再培训. 不符合再认证的要求,应取消审计员资质.

Ÿ  对于第三方审计员应具备审计主体相应的教育、经验等要, 并提供简历、资质证书等证明文件.

Ÿ  通常,审计人员需要签署道德规范声明,坚守职业道德准则,在审计过程中坚持诚实、正直的基本原则,并保持客观性和机密性.


Ÿ  年度审计计划

通常基于业务范围,每年依据批准的清单和业务需求针对公司物料供应商、服务供应商、合同研发生产商、经销商或合作伙伴等制定审计计划; 审计计划至少包括:供应商名称、供应商类型、供应商分类、所在地址、所提供的物料/服务、审计类型、计划的审计日期等.

Ÿ  审计频率


­     合规状态

­     质量协议

­     质量表现

­     整改情况确认

­     物料/服务/产品的风险



Ÿ  审计的范围和标准



­     法律/法规

­     适用的指导方针或行业要求

­     物料/产品标准或证书

­     药典要求(如适用)

­     质量协议/合同

­     供应商质量要求

­     供应链管理要求等

Ÿ  审计的类型和方式


资质审计是指业务开始前或者发生重大变更后执行的审计,评估被审计方是否具备提供符合预定要求的产品/服务的资质. 常规审计是指按照频率执行的审计,审计频率基于风险综合评估.






审计方式可以基于风险对不同级别供应商现场审计的必要性予以区分. 在交通受限、供应商拒绝等情况下采取非现场的审计方式.


Ÿ  审计执行


审计开始前,通常与被审计公司的管理人员举行一个首次会议, 内容应包括,但不限于:

­     审计小组人员

­     审计的范围和内容

­     审计日程

­     审计的要求

­     被审计方的陪同人员等


审计结束后,与被审计方举行一个结束会议, 会议内容应包括但不限于:

­     审计发现的问题

­     缺陷等级及审计的评审结果

­     解决方案讨论


Ÿ  审计缺陷分类


审计缺陷可分为:严重缺陷、主要缺陷和其他缺陷(参考PI 040-1 PIC/S Guidance on Classification of GMP Deficiencies)


­     已产生或导致产生对人类或动物患者有害的产品或可能导致食用动物体内有害残留的产品的重大风险的缺陷。

­     当观察到生产商对产品或数据进行篡改、歪曲或伪造时,也会出现“严重”缺陷。

­     “严重”缺陷可能由多个相关缺陷组成,其中任何一个单独出现都可能不构成“严重”缺陷,但合并之后则可能形成“严重”缺陷,或者识别出损害风险的系统故障,应按此解释和报告。


­     已经生产或可能生产出不符合其上市许可、临床试验许可批件、产品质量标准、药典要求或申报资料要求的产品;

­     不能确保所要求的GMP控制措施能有效实施;

­     显示与生产许可条款存在严重偏离;

­     未执行令人满意的批放行程序,或(授权人员未履行其职责;

­     -包括几个“其他”相关缺陷,这些缺陷本身可能不是“主要”缺陷,但合并之后则可能形成“主要”缺陷或系统故障,应按此解释和报告。


­     未被归类为“严重”缺陷或“主要”缺陷,但表明背离了药品生产质量管理规范(GMP)

­     由于没有足够的信息将其归类为“严重”缺陷或“主要”缺陷,可将缺陷判定为“其他”缺陷.

参考 NMPA《药品检查管理办法(试行)》国药监药管〔2021〕31号, 对于

第二十七条 药品生产企业现场检查结论和综合评定结论的评定标准:












对于缺陷升级和降低需考虑的情形,可具体参考PI 040-1 PIC/S Guidance on Classification of GMP Deficiencies及《药品生产现场检查风险评定指导原则》

Ÿ  审计结论


­     不可接受:发现严重缺陷,不能满足要求. (例如:关键缺陷大于等于1;或者主要缺陷大于等于6)

­     有条件接受:供应商/服务商被认为经过适当的纠正和预防措施后能够满足要求(例如:无关键缺陷;或者主要缺陷小于6,且需在引入前完成必要整改)

­     可接受:满足要求

Ÿ  审计报告




Ÿ  整改情况跟踪

被审计方在接到审计报告后的规定时限内(如:30日历日) 应提供整改计划,包括行动方案和时间.审计小组应对被审计方的书面整改计划进行审阅,对于整改行动进行批准或拒绝.




ž   基于被审计方提供的物料/服务等进行判断风险

ž   供应商的合规历史和质量表现历史

ž   所提供的物料/服务对于产品的影响程度

ž   替换供应商/服务商计划

ž   额外的加强来料检查(如适用)


ž   审计结束后到审计报告的完成时间 - 30个日历日

ž   被审计方接到审计报告后的回复时间 - 30个日历日


ž   药品生产质量管理规范(2010年修订)

ž   PIC/S PE 009-17 (Part I)

ž   WHO TRS 961, Annex 3 WHO good manufacturing practices for pharmaceutical products: main principles

ž   WHO TRS 996, Annex 3, 2016 WHO good manufacturing practices for biological products

ž   FDA: Guidance Quality Systems Approach to Pharmaceutical Current Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations 2006

ž   《国家食品药品监督管理局关于印发加强药用辅料监督管理有关规定的通知》

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ž   识林:中国GMP指南(第一版) 物料系统 > 4 供应商管理

ž   GMP 指南 2023版