
问题:工艺验证时,   关键工艺参数是有范围的,那么是三批工艺验证实施中需要分别验证该参数的上下限吗(应该在工艺设计阶段确认的),还是说验证只要在这个范围内参数即可,不用管具体的值;qbd中有一个工艺设定点的概念,是在关键参数的范围的一个值,验证时是否只需要验证这个设定点就行。


2024-09-12 14:26 用户w3ta     





1. FDA: Process Validation: General Principles and Practices Guidance for Industry1  工艺验证 一般原则与规范

The approach to PPQ should be based on sound science and the manufacturer's overall level of product and process understanding and demonstrable control. The cumulative data from all relevant studies (e.g., designed experiments; laboratory, pilot, and commercial batches) should be used to establish the manufacturing conditions in the PPQ. To understand the commercial process sufficiently, the manufacturer will need to consider the effects of scale. However, it is not typically necessary to explore the entire operating range at commercial scale if assurance can be provided by process design data. Previous credible experience with sufficiently similar products and processes can also be helpful. In addition, we strongly recommend firms employ objective measures (e.g., statistical metrics) wherever feasible and meaningful to achieve adequate assurance.



2.  EMA:Process validation for the manufacture of biotechnology-derived active substances and data to be provided in the regulatory submission 生物技术来源活性物质生产的工艺验证以及在监管提交中所提供的数据

Process verification studies should confirm that the final manufacturing process (i.e. commercial scale process) performs effectively and is able to produce an active substance or intermediate of desired quality. Such studies are generally performed in accordance with normal set points for operating conditions and process parameters.



3. PDA TR60: Process Validation-A Lifecycle Approach 工艺验证-生命周期方法

PPQ studies are typically conducted in a manner that demonstrates a state of control under normal operating conditions to assess process variability expected during routine production. Process characterization (robustness) studies conducted during Stage 1 serve as the foundation for establishing normal operating ranges, proven acceptable ranges, and design space, if appropriate. Effects of scale should also be considered if scaled-down models are suitably qualified, well-planned, and executed. Study data on robustness should support conducting commercial-scale PPQ under routine manufacturing conditions. Supplemental engineering studies at scale may be appropriate to evaluate extremes of the normal operating range (e.g., line speed or compression speed). In most cases, available Stage 1 data make it unnecessary to execute PPQ over the entire operating range during the commercial manufacturing process. The process validation master plan should provide the justification for the approach used and reference all source data.

通常,PPQ 研究应证明在正常操作条件下的受控状态以评估日常生产期间可能的工艺变化性。第1阶段期间所开展的工艺特性(耐用性)研究可以作为建立正常操作范围、已证明的可接受的范围和设计空间的基础,如果适当。也应考虑规模效应,如果规模成比例缩小的模型经过适当地确认,良好计划并执行。耐用性研究数据应支持在日常生产条件下商业规模PPQ 的开展。适当规模的增补的工程研究对评估正常操作范围(例如线速度或压片速度)的极限可能是适当的。在绝大多数情况下,已有的第1 阶段数据使得在商业生产过程中没有必要在整个操作范围内执行PPQ。工艺验证主计划应提供所用方法的合理性证明并应用所有原始数据。

4. PDA-TR42:Process Validation of Protein Manufacturing 蛋白制生产的工艺验证

During the initial phase of process characterization, a list of critical and key operational parameters to be studied for each unit operation is confirmed. Following confirmation of parameters, detailed process characterization experiments can be designed to collect data for information only. Because the results of these experiments are used to characterize the process and define acceptable operational parameter ranges, pre-approved study acceptance criteria are not required. During full-scale process validation, operational parameters are held at their set points (targets), and performance parameters are monitored against pre-set numerical ranges as part of the protocol acceptance criteria.


5. PDA TR60-3  Process Validation-A Lifecycle Approach,Annex 2 Biopharmaceutical Drug Substances Manufacturing 工艺验证-生命周期方法 附录2-生物药原液生产

PPQ lots usually focus on process performance run at the planned set-point of each operating parameter range. Since justification of the operating range for each operation may not be demonstrated during PPQ, the ranges should be justified using appropriate process-characterization studies (or technical rationale, where not possible) which, for practical reasons, are usually done using scale-down models.



Concurrent full-scale studies are performed to confirm scaled-down lifetime studies and continue past PPQ runs. A concurrent lifetime validation protocol follows a set of predefined parameters during the course of manufacturing. 


2024-09-12 22:47 乔伊凡     


2024-09-14 14:09 JJF     


2024-09-14 11:10 暗黑使者     



中国医药报 - 2013/03/13






2024-09-12 18:10 pql